Tackling Bag Theft In Lichfield BID
Theft from persons has been on the rise in Lichfield city centre, with phones, handbags, jewellery and other personal possessions stolen from an individual, sometimes with the threat of violence.
Thieves have been targeting businesses in the hospitality sector throughout the BID. Bags left on the floor just inches away from their owners have had items taken from them, or the entire bag has been swiped without any attention drawn.
To help tackle this, BID Support Officers in the Business Improvement District of Lichfield, Staffordshire, have created the ‘ThinkSafe’ initiative aimed at raising awareness and preventing potential bag theft.
One of the tactics being deployed against this crime is the roll-out of the Chelsea Clip, a simple, nylon clip designed to secure bags by their straps underneath tables and counter surfaces in business premises such as pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants.
The Chelsea Clip is a unique deterrent, which has a proven track record of preventing opportunist bag theft from public places. Two hands are needed to remove an item from the Clip, making 'bag snatching' virtually impossible.
Lichfield BID’s ‘ThinkSafe’ project aims to disrupt thieves from targeting visitors and residents of the city centre and help reassure customers using businesses participating in the scheme.
Businesses that have accepted the scheme display the Chelsea Clip initiative sticker in their doorways and windows, reminding customers that there is a secure option available for their personal belongings. An added bonus is that the sticker warns thieves that the business has taken added security measures and they will simply leave it alone.
BID Support Officers have been installing the Chelsea Clip underneath cafe tables and are advising staff and customers how to prevent bag theft. A BID Support Officer said: "If we can get all our cafes onboard with our ThinkSafe project I believe we can cut bag theft by half, maybe more. The Chelsea Clip is such a simple tool but it can play a major role in preventing crime and delivering our Safer City message to our businesses.”