Protect your customers
Bag theft is a growing problem in the UK with the most common location for handbag theft being from a pub. Restaurants, shops, cafes, offices and nightclubs are other frequent venues targeted by bag thieves. Theft happens in crowded places and personal possessions left unattended and unsecured - even for a moment - are at risk. The Chelsea Clip is a unique deterrent, which has a proven track record of preventing the snatch-and-grab of handbags and other personal belongings from public places. By installing The Chelsea Clip at your café, bar or restaurant you will help protect your customers’ belongings - and your reputation as a safe venue.
Thousands of bars, cafes and restaurants rely on The Chelsea Clip to prevent hand bag theft on their premises.
Protecting your property is vital but protecting your customer’s property makes commercial sense. For over 20 years, we've been relied upon to secure handbags in public venues, with some of the world's biggest brands relying on the quality, attractive prices and great customer service that we guarantee with all products that carry our globally trusted Selectamark brand.